Monday, July 24, 2006

Just say "why".....

Another insane eBay auction. $150k for a boxed Lionel set. Not early (or as early) as the seller thinks. I won't dwell on it. And I'm not putting up any pictures either.

"Why are you fascinated with this?" Not fascination, just morbid curiousity. More importantly, another person setting unreasonable expectations for prices realized by toy train sellers.

Go take a look at the one (count 'em, one) picture they posted.

By the way, I have another poll coming up. I think you'll like the next one. The current poll has been very informative, I hope the manufacturing powers that be consider it a nice chunk of free market research. The next one is veeerrryyy interesting as well. As I was writing it down it got more interesting. Go figure.


PS As a slight addendum, read the questions on the above linked eBay auction. As far as I can tell, one of eBay questions asks the seller to offer free shipping at $120k if he includes "handling" of the buyers genitals. I'm going to watch the questions, something tells me these are going to be good.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

New August NETTE Auction

NETTE has a "little bit of everything" auction up for the 9th. This one is a little different; they are using eBay Live Auctions. Should be kind of interesting. I'm going to watch.

I Like the David King Trolleys. Check it out. The only thing I didn't like was that they aren't breaking up the auction (Standard Gauge, O gauge, Post war, pre war and so on). I'll cut them some slack, their auctions are still consistently better than shows and most of their competition and their customer service is second to none.

The selection is very nice though, especially of Prewar O and Standard. It's absolutely worth checking out.


Saturday, July 15, 2006

Polling Ends Aug. 15, 2006

I don't have much to report on lately; the polling ends August 15, 2006. Vote at least once. You can vote on my blog as many times as you like. Or go to the Yahoo Groups for more extensive voting.

Summer is one of those times when toy trains seem to take a backseat to the pool, beach and events that involve charring something on a grill. That's the way it is supposed to be! Now get out there and cut some lawns and earn some money to buy trains when summer is done!


Monday, July 10, 2006

Lego Modular Layout

Go check out Dave Hartmann's O Gauge Watch. He has an article on the NMRA train show and specifically a modular Lego layout (among others). You've got to check out this layout and Dave has a new Nikon D50 that he took some great shots with. Use the link on the right to get to this really cool article.


Sunday, July 02, 2006

21st Century Trolley...

This is what a trolley looks like in the 21st Century. I'm glad they are still around (just not in the United States).

I wonder what this would look like in our favorite gauge (made out of metal)???


Saturday, July 01, 2006

The Poll (slightly abridged)....

I've been told that quite a few of you don't want to join the Yahoo Groups. I think that's a mistake. It's a great way to exchange ideas on tinplate but if you must, here's an abridged version on the Standard Gauge Poll I mentioned in a previous post. Please don't hesitate to vote and vote often.

This poll (below) will let you vote as much as you want but only for one item at a time. The Yahoo poll will let you vote for as many choices as you would like to opt for.



If a standard gauge manufacturer were to produce any new train in standard gauge, which train should they produce? We are a market that is profitable and should be heard!
Hudson Tube Train
Creswell 600E (or some form of a Hudson)
1010 Interurban, Boucher Blue Comet
Hardcars, Doodglebugs, Galloping Goose
Smith Metalworks Type Buildings (new car barns, roundhouse, Bridges. etc.)
Modern Era in Std Gauge (Santa Fe, EP-5, DD1)
Flyer (Brass Piper, Pocahontas, Statesmen)
Streamliners (Blue Streak, M10000, Zephyr)
More Classics (390E in different colors, etc.), Ives and Flyer
Web Polls by Vizu

More Prague Toy Train Museum II

Blow these up! For a static display, these have a ton of detail.


More Prague Toy Train Museum

Here's the monster Marklin station I referred to in a prior post. Pictures don't do it justice, this thing is majestic.

It has a very close prototype in Budapest, Hungary. Actually the model train station looks much better than the Budapest station.

One thing that struck me after seeing pics of all of these great toys, I always wonder if this is a lost art. I hope not.