This is really cool and check out the 3D view in the next post. Here is a little note from Tom V:
"Does anyone ever really plan Standard Gauge layouts? I am the only person I know who has RRTrack for Standard Gauge. Of course, here in San Diego, I am the only person I know who has a Standard Gauge layout.
I do use the track planning software to plan the layout and to see if future acquisitions can be accommodated or if I am going to end up with a shelf queen. Tonight, I cut in the Weigh Station and retired the Dorfan Crane. It was a tight fit for the Weigh Station."
Any thoughts for Tom?

Hello Tom, really like your track plan. I'm totally new to Standard Gauge (my MTH train set, asstd track and a transforme (Z2000). This plan of yours is 9'x5', yes??
Hello Tom, I really like your layout. I'm totally new to Standard Gauge. Your plan is 9'x5', yes??
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