Thursday, May 18, 2006

A Toonerville Club!

You just gotta join this club. I got a hold of a couple of newsletters and they are awesome! Only twice a year but they are full color and they have rare offers of Toonerville toys. The focus of the club is not to sell toys, it's to trade info and act as an exchange for Toonerville information. It's a great clearinghouse for Toonerville info. After all these years, you'll be shocked at the following these wonderful comics have.

The toys are not inexpensive but they are done right. The articles are excellent and they have some writing you wouldn't expect to see. There's one article from Fontaine Fox on being in Pre WWII Europe (and some of his adventures with drawings included).

For a donation of $10 a year, this is just plain old worth it.


PS My apologies if your browser/computer renders some of these articles strangely. I can't figure out why but sometimes it just throws a curveball and the pages are rendered strangely. Please don't email me, I quit my IT job long ago....

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